The City of Rockingham is calling on residents to share their thoughts on the City's proposed Coastal Facilities Strategy 2021/2025.
The call comes after the Council endorsed the draft for community consultation at its ordinary meeting on Tuesday.
The strategy focuses on helping the City plan for current and future works along the City’s coastline.
Its stated ambitions are to continue providing sustainable coastal recreation while also taking action to adapt for the effects of climate change.
More specifically, the strategy addresses:
- Boat ramps and jetties
- Coastal protection infrastructure (e.g. groynes, sea walls)
- Coastal management activities (e.g. erosion and sand movements) impacting marine infrastructure
- Coastal access paths
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said it was important for residents to have their say on a strategy that will shape the direction of facilities on the City’s coastline.
“Our City is known as the place where the coast comes to life," he said.
"Everyday local residents utilise our coastline in some way, shape or form, and this draft strategy is a chance for them to provide feedback that will be crucial in helping the City develop a strategy that benefits the wider community.
“A key aspiration in the City’s Strategic Community Plan is planning for future generations, and this strategy will have a key role to play in achieving this.
"Ultimately, we want to ensure that the community can continue to enjoy the City’s coastline and coastal waters for many years to come.”
Feedback on the draft strategy can be provided online via rockingham.wa.gov.au/your-city/share-your-thoughts/open-for-comment/proposed-coastal-facilities-strategy-2021-2025
It can also be done via email to customer@rockingham.wa.gov.au or by mail addressed to the CEO PO Box 2142, Rockingham DC WA 6967.
Submissions are due by close of business on Monday June 28, 2021.