A Master Guide Checklist to Essential Marketing - Step IV


Remember the AIDA formula? It goes: Attract, Interest, Desire Action - in that order!

You shouldn't reveal everything straight away in your marketing content. The goal is to keep people engaged. Their interest should be stirred enough to get them to your call to action and then make them take the action you want.

  1. Does your headline/first paragraph/first line/hash tag/etc ATTRACT your perfect customer?

A great way of attracting your market is to make the headline niche and relevant to your intended audience. Is it relevant? Or too vague?

  1. Does your copy INTEREST the right person?

One way of telling whether it will be of interest is to see if it touches on the issues of your perfect client that you uncovered with your Market Research.

  1. DESIRE!

Next: Do you talk about the single biggest problem or DESIRE they have in a way that will get their attention for the media you are using?

This is where having done proper market research really helps.

If it doesn't you need to refine your target market. If it does you need to be sure you are making this clear.

Does your copy make it clear that what you are offering will help them either:

Solve their single biggest issue… (Which they DESIRE greatly to be solved)

Or give them their single biggest DESIRE

Finally, you need to get people to take ACTION.

  1. Does your call to action encourage people to take ONE or at most two highly specific actions?

It's not a good idea to confuse people with too many options, so having one call to action is better than two.

  • Does it re-emphasize why they need to take this ACTION? I.e. because it will help them attain their single biggest DESIRE?
  • Does your call to action introduce an element of urgency?
  • Remember, the best call to action is FOMO aka the Fear Of Missing Out?

You should be tapping into this element of your customer's psychology. Particularly in your call to action marketing campaigns.

The easiest way is to use limited time promotional offers.

Next time we cover the final part of the essential marketing tips: Polishing Your Message before you Present it.

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