What type of advertising experience do YOU want?

From the start I want to say that this is NOT a gripe, or me venting about one client or another.


Instead I want to say “Powerful advertising, even good advertising can deliver results” but, sometimes clients often don’t have the courage to take that onboard, and experience the results of something different! Something unique. Something that stand out! Something... POWERFUL!

Powerful advertising is the kind of commercial that can, and often does bring negative feedback from others.
Powerful commercials can make clients do a quick about face and change it as soon as a few people say “I heard your ads and I hate them!”

Having the courage to defend what you have chosen to be your commercial, can make all the difference from good results to amazing ones.

AND, I can honestly say that some of the best ad’s I have ever written, have never gone to air.


Because they were shot down by either (and I kid you not): a spouse, a co-worker, a receptionist, the next-door neighbour, the delivery guy, and some friend, someone standing at the counter at the time, or even a painter repainting the store front.

This is because it is often just one word, one phrase, or sentence they didn’t like (usually… no… always… it is the most powerful line, word or phrase that I have written to seal the deal in the mind of the listener that they want changed) because they think is not right, or will ‘sound wrong!’

Or, they just don't understand the delivery, or the tone that we are going to use.

So they want to edit it.

Compromising your message like this not only softens the commercial, but also, its intended effect on the listener.

Now that script is so soft and fluffy that it will offend no-one, not stand out, it will end up saying nothing, and, worst of all: Will sound like EVERY other ad on-air!

When this happens, I want to say "I can do that… BUT don’t hold me responsible for a commercial that doesn’t work as well as it could have."

Remember the reason why other people may ‘hate your ads’ is two-fold, it is because either:
1. The schedule that it is on – it could have too many repetitions (but that’s when THEY are listening, not when your prospective customers are listening).

2. The language in the ad may not appeal to them – that’s because they may not be the target of the ad.

When any copywriter writes a commercial, we ALWAYS keep in mind who you are targeting, how, where and when the ads are playing.

We want the ad to work for you so you get the results you were after, and, you will come back to us again and again.

For example, if I write a commercial only playing in the mornings targeting adults for lunch bookings – the language will be different to ads targeting restaurant bookings for weekends. OR, If I am writing a commercial targeting women for a cosmetic brand – it will be different language to that of a car commercial for utility vehicles.

So, do you have courage? Can you stand firm against the nay-sayers?
Are you prepared to stand out from the crowd and watch people react to your advertising?

If so, then speak to us about your next campaign and we will write you a commercial like no other, and you WILL get results!

Fuel Watch
  • 180.3: X Convenience Erskine
  • 180.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 191.9: EG Ampol Falcon
  • 193.9: Ampol Foodary Falcon (Miami Beach)
  • 209.9: BP Singleton