Who Makes The FINAL Decision?

Here's a quick question for you about your marketing plan - and all of your advertising and promoting for your small business.

Who is it that makes YOUR final decision about whether or not your plan, marketing, and advertising all works?

You? Your partner? Your Grandmother? Your shop assistants? Your bank manager? Your accountant? The list goes on, and on ...

The Answer Is : NONE OF THEM!

It's your customers - your "Invisible Customers!"

If they don't respond to your advertising, your marketing plan and anything else that you do - then none of it is working.

If your entire marketing plan is built on being reactive, ie: relying on what happens from one day to the next to decide what you are going to do. Then you are in trouble, before you even open your doors.

You need to build on your marketing plan, and keep on working on it - or it just won't work.

And in the long run, you might not be working for yourself either.

So start working on your Marketing Plan now - right now. It can be as complex or as simple as you like.

My preferred way is to sketch out on a napkin or piece of paper all of the place where I think my customers eyes, and ears will be in the next few months - then try to figure out how to be there, or how to draw them to me.

Remember to keep it simple and focus on them - not you. It makes all of the difference in a successful marketing plan. 

Fuel Watch
  • 189.9: EG Ampol Falcon
  • 189.9: BP Singleton
  • 190.3: X Convenience Erskine
  • 190.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 190.9: Ampol Foodary Lakelands