Sik Hobbies

Phone Number: 9592 2200
Address: 10 Goddard Street, Rockingham, 6168

SIK HOBBIES in Rockingham is for kids of every age.

Doors open and can post.

Open 9-5:30 weekdays and Saturdays 10 to 4 on Sunday.

We’ve got toys and games but what really earns us the title of ‘SIK Hobbies’… is our MASSIVE range of RC cars, boats, planes, helicopters, drones, slot cars, and everything for model enthusiasts… PLUS parts and repairs!

Fuel Watch
  • 185.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 194.8: NightOwl BP Mandurah
  • 199.7: Vibe Mandurah
  • 199.9: Caltex Barragup
  • 199.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine