The City of Rockingham will host the Shape Your Future Youth Careers Expo giving young people in the area the opportunity to find their career pathway.
The event will be held at Gary Holland Community Centre May 28, aimed at people aged 12 to 24
The expo will give young people the chance to find careers and pathways that suit their skills and interests through four opportunity areas including:
- Employment support services
- Employment opportunities from local businesses
- Apprenticeships (Service providers and companies with apprenticeship prospects)
- Training (TAFE and registered training organisations).
There will be 60 stallholders at the event covering these four areas.
Employability workshops will be run by the Rockingham Jobs and Skills Centre to help young people brush up on their ability to secure work, as will a drop-in resume check-up service.
A live jobs board will also advertise at least 150 employment opportunities.
In addition, a sensory friendly experience will be held for 30 minutes before the event begins.
This will provide neuro diverse young people with the chance to engage with stallholders in a quieter and more relaxed environment.
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the Shape Your Future Youth Careers Expo would help support youth development and involvement in the community.
"The up and coming Shape Your Future Youth Careers Expo is part of the City’s strategic action to support young people into sustainable education, training and employment,” he said.
“Ultimately, we want to encourage young people to become actively involved in and contributing to their community. The expo represents a fantastic chance for them to achieve this by enhancing their employment and training prospects with support from local businesses, training providers and support services.”
For more information or to register for the event visit rockingham.wa.gov.au/community/young-people/youth-events-and-activities