The State Government has announced restrictions in place for Perth and Peel residents will ease back as planned from 12.01am Saturday, May 8.
Following three COVID-19 cases detected in Perth over the weekend, the Chief Health Officer has advised Perth and Peel will need to see through the full 14-day incubation period, from the last case detected, which ends 12.01am Saturday, May 15, 2021.
The following transitional restrictions are set to take effect from 12.01am Saturday, May 8:
- Masks are not required except on public transport, in hospitals, aged care and disabilities facilities, and at stadiums or events with more than 1,000 people;
- Four personal visitors permitted per patient per day in a hospital, aged care or disability facility, with masks mandatory;
- Anyone who has been in the Perth or Peel regions in the previous 14 days but has since travelled to another region must also wear a mask subject to the above conditions;
- The casino gaming floor can reopen subject to the two square metre rule;
- Nightclubs can open subject to the two square metre rule;
- 100-person limit in all homes, for private indoor or outdoor gatherings;
- Major stadiums, including Optus Stadium, RAC Arena and HBF Park can operate at 75 per cent capacity, with masks mandatory.
“I’m pleased that we’ve been able to stay out of lockdown this week, as a result of the transitional restrictions we’ve had in place and the co-operation of all Western Australians," Premier Mark McGowan said.
“This is only possible because people have been doing the right thing - following the health advice that’s there to protect us and continuing to use the SafeWA app whenever we are out and about.
“We need to keep these healthy habits up, especially as we further ease restrictions from this Saturday.”
Health Minister Roger Cook added they appreciate how well the Western Australian public has supported restrictions when they have needed to introduce them.
“We know they can be inconvenient but it is important we act swiftly and appropriately to keep Western Australians safe from COVID-19," He said.
“WA enjoys an enviable lifestyle that we all want to protect.
“So please use common sense, use the SafeWA app, practise good personal hygiene and take the opportunity to get vaccinated when you are eligible.”
For more information on post-lockdown plans, visit https://www.wa.gov.au