The City of Rockingham has released its third annual Sustainability Snapshot, which outlines the progress the City has made in a number of key initiatives as it continues working towards a more sustainable future.
The Sustainability Snapshot captures data from six key focus areas across the organisation including water, waste and recycling, energy and emissions, health and nature conservation, environmental education and engagement, and climate response.
The information from these areas then forms a benchmark for the City to track its progress.
Highlights over the past year include the City developing a Single Use Plastics and Balloons Policy, achieving Gold Waterwise status for the first time, planting more than 3,000 trees as part of the City’s Greening Plan, and receiving the WA Coastal Award for Excellence in Recognition of the City’s Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Plan.
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the Sustainability Snapshot was beneficial in developing the City’s Sustainability Strategy.
“Through the Strategic Community Plan, residents have made it clear that they want the City to plan for future generations and ensure that the environment is protected, climate change is addressed, and sustainable waste and energy solutions are developed,” Mayor Sammels said.
“The Sustainability Snapshot helps the City to track its progress in pursuit of these targets, and also provides valuable baseline data that has been instrumental in developing the City’s Sustainability Strategy, which will come before Council for adoption in late February.
“As we reflect on the progress we’ve made so far, the Sustainability Snapshot also highlights how important this work will be as we continue into the future.”
To read the Sustainability Snapshot 2019 visit rockingham.wa.gov.au/your-city/sustainability-and-environment/sustainability-snapshot-report or pick up a hard copy in one of the City’s libraries.